NeoSmart Windows 10 rollback

Easily restore your previous Windows 10 installation

NeoSmart Windows 10 rollback

Introduction to NeoSmart Windows 10 rollback

NeoSmart Windows 10 rollback is a utility designed to simplify and streamline the process of downgrading from Windows 10 to a previous version of the operating system. With its user-friendly interface and focus on data preservation, it provides a convenient solution for users looking to revert to a prior Windows version.


NeoSmart Windows 10 rollback is a lifesaver for those who have upgraded to Windows 10 but wish to return to the familiarity and stability of their previous operating system. The utility offers a straightforward and automated approach to rolling back to a prior version of Windows, saving users from potential data loss and complex procedures.


  • Easy-to-Use Interface: The utility features an intuitive interface designed for users of all levels of computer proficiency.
  • Seamless Downgrade Process: Users can initiate the rollback with a single click, allowing the utility to handle the rest of the process automatically.
  • Data Preservation: Prioritizes data preservation to ensure all files, applications, and settings are retained during the rollback process.

Use Cases

  • Users who long for the familiarity and stability of a previous version of Windows.
  • Individuals facing compatibility issues with Windows 10.
  • Those looking for a hassle-free way to revert to a prior operating system.

Technical Details and System Requirements

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 10/8.1/8/7
  • Processor: Minimum 1 GHz Processor (2.4 GHz recommended)
  • RAM: 2GB (4GB or more recommended)
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 200MB or more is recommended


NeoSmart Windows 10 rollback offers a convenient solution for users looking to downgrade from Windows 10 to a previous version of the operating system. With its user-friendly interface, seamless downgrade process, and focus on data preservation, it provides a hassle-free experience for those seeking to undo the Windows 10 upgrade. Whether you're in need of familiarity with an older operating system or encountering compatibility issues, NeoSmart Windows 10 rollback has you covered.

NeoSmart Windows 10 rollback Information

File nameWindows 10 Rollback Utility.iso
License Typefreeware



Previous version

File Name:Windows 10 Rollback Utility.iso
Jan 1, 1970

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